Monday, December 12, 2005

"Terrorist Threat"

There is a terrorist threat in America and we can barely detect that our country's been wrecked by barbarians. Derelict clerics with exotic names like Trent Lott and Katherine Harris. I’m going to Paris because they killed democracy in Florida, quick call the coroner. There’s been a hostile takeover of the red, white and blue. They finance corporate mergers so when Enron and congress fuck everybody gets screwed. They’re holding hostages in hot factories overseas. They torture their victims with long hours and slave wages. They crave little girls, mostly Southeast Asians and Haitians. I’ve seen the videotapes so R. Kelly isn’t the only one that should be charged with child molestation.

There is a terrorist threat in the land and it’s not just the boy bands. They have a plan; it’s inherited through history. They destroyed the native tribes now each July they celebrate their victory. Instead of making things more equal, they build prisons for poor people, pass out petty bids and life sentences to kids for selling weed and other sedatives, but they disregard the evidence when they select a rich white boy from Texas and declare a crackhead president. A draft-dodging merchant of menace with a feeble mind and before he bombs Saddam on my dime he better send weapon inspectors into Columbine.

There is a terrorist threat in the nation. They give tax breaks to big banks but they deny black people reparations. They maintain training ranches and congregate in clans. They want to steal Alaska’s oil and blame it on Iran. They tally bands and censor art for sport. They snuck into our law schools and hijacked the Supreme Court. Their money makes missiles. Their labs created Anthrax. Osama was their pawn. Evil is their axis. They’re skilled at killing innocent civilians because they had lots of practice. From Hanoi to Nicaragua, from Vieques to Damascus, for aqua and oil, gold zinc and soil. They spread their views on Cable news. They call each other George and Dick and Rudy. So next time you see a terrorist, kick him in his booty. It’s not only your right as an American, it’s your patriotic duty.

-Def Poet


Blogger Moe Blow said...

Great spoken word. Minor correction, I believe it's "they tally bans and censor art for sport."

10:45 PM  

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