Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Politics of Criminalization

It's only fair.

For the last few weeks, the right in this nation have grasped their hot new catchphrase that they intent to trick more and more Americans into gathering their collective sorry ass simpathies again. Whether it is "Stay the Course" or "Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here" or something pointless like "Defending freedom" and "Mission Accomplished", the right has been greatly concentrating on finding a catchphrase that can easily stick with people and and brainwash them in the same simplicity that President Bush's mind is currently stuck at. Now, they will say that with the looming indictments and arrest of key Republican powers like Tom DeLay, Karl Rove, Bill Frist, Scooter Libby and Dick Cheney that this is all a result of... the criminalization of politics. You hear it day in, day out. And not just repeated countless times by correspondents and anchors on Fox News, but it's been all across conservative radiowaves. I swear Rush Limbaugh had to have said the slogan like a dozen times in twenty minutes a few days ago.

Now, the whole idea of what they want you to believe that the realm of politics is exactly what it is: politics. The actions taken by individuals involved in this world are done on a political basis and it has been for hundreds of years in this nation. Now that investigations are pending, indictments are being served and warrents are being issued to individuals, all conservative, the political process is being stifled, which is something we are told by them is bad.

These hypcritical, egotistical, short-sighted, super-partisan, sons-of-bitches. What in God's name makes them think they are special? Less than 10 years ago, you had the same heads blasting the sitting president saying he's not above the law, that he's abusing his power, that he's corrupt and valueless. But now, when their side is under the microscope, it's the criminialization of politics!!! It's not fair! You can't have people being proescuted to settle political scores! YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY?! Wow! You conservatives are like a pearl of wisdom or something. You have fucking sight beyond sight! If it wasn't for the fact that the same shit happened eight years ago, YOU MUTHAFUCKERS WOULD BE GODDAMN PSYCHIC! You guys don't have any right to preach to anyone or to trying to convice anyone that what's happening to corrupt assholes running this country isn't just. You think this is the criminalization of politics? Well goddamn it, I would hope so! Anything better than you ass-clowns with your nifty slogans and "break any rule because they don't apply us because our guy is president" mentality. You deserve to be criminals and caught doing the idiotic shit you do, just for being so goddamn stupid.

Now, this is probably my first and last post on these evil little bastards. I'm tired of hearing about them. I don't want to talk about it again until they get the big bastards who cannot be this ignorant to all of the slime and crime that surrounds him on a daily basis. You really have to be an idiot to believe he is completely unrelated to all of this. Yes I'm talking about George Bush. He should have been criminalized for being this fucking gullible and ignorant or for simply knowing and allowing this shit to unfold. These egoholics deserve all they get. I hope they get cells next to Adibese from Oz so they can really learn what his version of 'hard work' is. It ain't like any of this should be expected either. Politics is fully of shady bastards anyway. Why is it so hard to believe that they'd turn to criminal acts to get what they want? That's what you do. If it isn't legal, then you make it legal by any means necessary. Laws mean nothing. They know how the game is played and they knew the rules. Blame no one else now it is know they are breaking the rules. They knew exactly what they were doing. You always do. They did in Watergate. They knew in Iran-Contra. And now they know in Iraq-assholes. Clinton certainly knew it as well. Only difference was his didn't involve the livelihood of thousands and thousands of Americans.

Thank you.


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