Friday, October 14, 2005


That's the best I can think of and that is the most fitting way to describe this. This is pitifully embarrassing.

Now, the objective of this, the whole idea behind this forum was in all sincerety was not to be your garden-variety "Bush-Bashing", but dang nabbit, this guy... He just makes it all too easy. Just the slightest observation of the man's actions is a bash and you can't help it because on a whole they aren't very good. I seriously didn't want to turn into just another Bush-Basher, but for the next twenty minutes, I simply cannot help it. I can hardly stay quiet about this.

This guy has absolutely no shame at all. None. He can't possibly have any. He does not feel embarrassment. He does not know shame. He cannot comprehend humility. Like him or hate him, there is one thing no one can deny and that is his consistently piss-poor approval ratings. I swear Americans have a higher approval of Prince William than they do of George W. Bush. Ever since September 2001, his approval ratings have been on a steady decline. Ever since Janurary 2004, his approval has been on an average below 50%. When I first looked at that I thought that was bad. Now, in some polls, his approval rating has dropped less than 40%? That is shameful. It is shameful and embarrassing. There is no better way to put it than that. Another thing I noticed was his numbers before the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Those were consistently bland as well, ranged in the 50% area.

Now, here's how I feel. If you were on any other job and your performance was this low, consistently, time after time, would you be given a second chance? No. One of two things would happen: you'd be given less responsiblity or simply relieved of your duties. Now, with all the jobs I've had in my life, I never have been fired. There was an instance in a job where my performance was so poor, I could not do what I was asked, I was not skilled in the job and could not perform. I tried and failed and after giving it my best, I decided it was time for me to leave. Now that's just me. But from what I've seen from this guy, I cannot escape the thought that we need a policy shift in the United States. The whole two term system is fair and we earn what we get, but still, a job is a job. Being president, though it is a position, so is being a gardner. I honestly feel that if a president's approval is this low for this extended amount of time, an immediate recall election should automatically be called in session. No vote needed, no discussion necessary, we are supposed to be a nation 'for' the people. And if the people judge the performance of their leader's job to be this poor for this long, we shouldn't have to wait the rest of the term. There should be an immediate vote to see if this is what the people still want.

I don't know. Something is better than just standing here and watching his numbers tank even lower.

And for the President to walk the earth and sleep at night knowing this is even more horrendous. How can you sleep at night? How can you rest peacefully knowing most of your nation does not like what you are doing? Does he not have any shame? Does he not have any goddamn decency? I would have quit a long time ago. I would have not ran for re-election. But that's the key.

But alas, this is what we deserve. Whatever he is now, we asked for it. He was re-elected and this is what we get for doing such. And so now, we have to live with this embarrassment and humiliation as a president. What a shame.


Blogger Shogunn said...

Just today on Rush Limbaugh's show, he was toting how the president's approval rating has risen to 45% based from the Iraq constitutional vote. There's one problem though... IT IS STILL FOURTY-FIVE PERCENT!!! FORTY-FIVE PERCENT IS STILL EMBARRASSING! MOST AMERICANS STILL DO NOT APPROVE OF HIS PERFORMANCE!!!

This is not baseball where a batting average after several hundred attempts a .450 is good or basketball where making 45% of your three dozen shots is passable. THIS IS THE GODDAMN PRESIDENCY! The people should be with you. You should be with the people. You have one shot, sometimes two to blow this and FORTY-FIVE PERCENT is not cutting it!

11:18 PM  

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