Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Party's In Good Hands

With a great regret and sadness, I had been withdrawn from my forum for nearly two weeks. I have been away, distracted by a good greater than my own. In other words, I have been insanely busy achieving a feat many across the country will obvserve, emulate and congratulate. I was at the end of a election for office of governor in the Commonwealth of Virginia, fighting for my candidate, the Democrat Tim Kaine. And we were victorious. The next governor of Virginia is Tim Kaine.

But now I'm back and I've come with the realization that the political well-being of the Democratic Party is all good. After what many would have seen as the crumbling and demise of the party at the end of the 2000 election where George Bush retained the presidency, few saw any promise ahead. Many thought that the Democrats had nothing left, that a loss to a weak candidate with a divisive, but indoctrinating and simplistic plan was enough to cripple and embarrass the party for years beyond any recognizable repair. They were accused of being simply out of touch with the American people.

Well, here we are, a year later and the Party and the people who comprise the party are well within grasp of the reigns of the nation, if not they have the strength to not just survive but to fight for what is good and just.

Tim Kaine has won an election. Not just any election either. A Virginia liberal who wasn't a very known and popular Lieutenant Governor. Already at a extreme disadvantage being a Democrat in a state that is dominated by a conservative legislature, dominated by republican congressmen, beaten in spending and fundraising, both senators are jems of the Republican Party, and being a state that overwelmingly votes strongly Republican consistently. Virginia's strong conservative roots are known and anyone questioning them is rather insane or knows dick about politics. But beyond that Kaine still won. Using a great asset of a popular governor and running a up-beat, positive campaign with those, like myself who worked extreme hours, victory was assured. It was an uphill battle that was won. No, we are not out of touch. If we are so out of touch, how do we win a race where every poll had is down until two weeks before the election? Virginia saw a good message, someone they can trust and knew he was the right man for the job.

The Commonwealth was also helped by the hand of the Democratic Pary's newest and probably strongest memeber, Barak Obama. He arrived a few weeks ago to bring out our core and to energize our base in a time where it would be crucial. And energize he did. Barak Obama is the future of the party and as he goes, so does the Democrats. He has the message, the pedigree and the ideals the party has embraced. Everyone, within the Democratic Party and outside the party have recognized his power. Everyone knows he will be a force in politics and world society for years to come. And everyone, especially Republicans know they will have a fight ahead of them, one in which it will be a struggle for them to win. The more he is around, the more he strengthens our voice, one we struggled to have before and one we will be without any longer.

However, he is not alone. Over the last several months, I have had the pleasure of working with a great lot of people who care, who have principle and who will always stand with their nation. Democrats have had their identity defined by those who wish ill upon them, but now they define themselves. With the likes of Anton Gunn, my brother who has been with people who have helped bring them life and hope with social and political education many are without. Many people believe there is little they can do to affect their world, but those like Anton are there to tell them otherwise. He shows them what they can do and how to be involved to help more than just themselves.

With our new, young faces willing to prove their worth and ability, the Democratic Party is in good hands. Yes, it was hurt with the loss of the Presdential race, but that was not the end. It may have been a victory for them, but for those who lost, it was a realization. A realization that there is more out there. A realization that there is no where left to go but up. A realizaton that with more people out there without political direction, there is no way anyone can be out of touch with the people. You just have to get intouch with them, which we did in Virginia's Democratic Coordinated Campaign.

I once said that American cannot be right if there is nothing left and that is the truth, literally and figuratively. If the domination by the Republicans is a signal of the death of the Democratic Party, then there is nothing to combat it, but yet, we won this election. Yet, we still have a voice. Yet we have not and will not go away. So we will stay. American is not America without those on the left. We are part and parcel of this nation, since the inception and will be a part until the bitter end. The domination of the right is not only unthinkable, but it is impossible. Our leadership, our future and our legacy will ensure the well-being of the Democratic Party. So without a shadow of doubt, without question or pause, I can assuredly tell you as I breathe God's air that the Democratic Party is in great hands.

Now witness in our glory and fire.


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