Sunday, January 15, 2006

Black Party

Rumblings as of late have caused me to question the strict adherence to the Democratic Party by black people in America. The history of Black America voting Democratically goes back at least 60 years. As more and more Black Americans started to vote, the candidate they identified with was Franklin Roosevelt. It wasn't until 20 years down the road where black support in politics was secure in the camp of the Democratic Party with the rise of John Kennedy and his ties with Martin Luther King and his feelings for civil rights. Since then, Democrats and Black America have been all but inseparable.

The 70s, 80s and much of the 90s passed by without much focus on this voting demographic. During this time, the Democratic Party took Black America's vote for granted, while the Republican Party considered Black America's vote unattainable. It was this view and Black America's overall atrophy that lead to both parties disreguarding Black American in electoral politics altogether. It wasn't until recently that President George W. Bush has shown his concern for the vote of Black America. Not exactly concern for their interest, but at least their vote. To this end, throughout his 2004 campaign, to challenge the Democratic stranglehold on Black America's vote, he did not vie hard for their support. Though he tried, he really didn't attempt to win Black America's confidence through his social programs. His biggest salvo against Democratic control of Black America(yes, that's what I said) was a simple question. What have they done for you lately? Now with allies like Michael Steele and Joe Watkins, the Republican party has been getting a lot of attention from Black America.

Republican's long war to win the trust and confidence of Black America in Bush II's presidency has been a credible one if anything. Starting off with idiotic sloganry like "The Party of Lincoln" and "The more inclusive party" have done nothing but blind the ignorant from the truth. Everyone knows President Lincoln was a Liberal and the Republican Party today is NOTHING like the Republican Party 140 years ago or even 70 years ago. These new-age Republicans may want to recognize their party as the Party of Lincoln, but it's a hard sell to black folks who still see Republicans as the Party of Strom Thurmond, David Duke, Jesse Helmes and Ronald Reagan. In other words, the Party of those who repeatedly stood in the way of their social, economic and political interest for as long as our history goes in this nation.

But their efforts didn't stop there. George Bush continued with his faith-based iniatives. This program was like magic. Knowing how popular religion is with Black America and knowing how much everyone likes money, he couldn't lose. This adminstration lined the pockets of many churches across the nation. And we all know money talks. If these churches wanted to keep that money tree in their backyard, they knew who to support. But that front only lasted so long and had only so much effect. So the president decided his best assult was not with history or pockets, but with logic. He questioned the strong support of a party that has pretty much taken a voting demographic by granted and what's worse is now, everyone knows that. The Republicans knows the Democrats have taken Black American for granted. Democrats know that they've been taking Black America for granted and Black America knows that Democrats have been taking Black America for granted. And so what has all of this acknowledgement left us? Nothing. Black people will continue to vote Democratically. What other alternative do we have? Vote Republican? Hell no. There is no way a consise Black American ideology can co-exist with a conservative ideology. Democrats are too busy helping themselves and trying to fight Republicans to even give a damn. So what would be the next step?

While many don't realize it, the difference between the Democratic and Republican Parties is very little in terms of the electorate. Despite my strong belief that if more people got off their asses and actually participated in what the hell is going on in their lives then the Democratic Party would control this nation. Unfortuately they don't have the forsight to cause this. And because of that, the voting difference between the two is minimal and ideological. The Republican base is strong and it gives the party their support. The base of the Democratic Party is their inherent diversity. Women interest, gay rights, civil rights, the poor all umbrella under the Democratic Party and throw their interest with the Party. And as much as the party wants to represent them, it cannot suit all interest and more often than not, many are left out in the cold. One of these is Black interest. We represent the largest and strongest voting demographic in the nation. Overwhelming numbers of women don't inherently vote Democratic. Large marorites of hispanics don't vote solely Democratic. At the very least 90% of the black population votes Democratically. What would happen if the Democratic party lost that 90%? They would fall apart. The Democrats wouldn't win another election.

For what it's worth, sooner or later, Black America will have to realize not just what we have at stake in this nation, but how much we control our destiny. If we thought the Republican Party suited our interest best, we'd vote Republican and they'd be in power, solid power. Since we believe the Democratic Party serves us best, we throw our lot with the Democrats and the balance of power stays balance. If our support were to vanish, they Democrats wouldn't be able to stay afloat. This nation isn't built for one party to be the sole power in electoral politics. With two superpowered parties in control, no one gets to see the alternatives. With the Democrats without power and a single Republican Party cannot keep power, people will be forced to see altenatives. Maybe not just one. Perhaps two, maybe even three.

Maybe that's what this country needs. Alternatives. Because at this current pace, Black America sees none. They weigh their options and go with the lesser of two evils, if they go with any at all. Maybe it's time for people to realize the choice is theirs to take. If you don't like the choices you are given, then take your own. But for Godsake, don't make do with what you are given. Because you're just gonna be taken advantage of all over.


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