Sunday, December 07, 2008

A Date that Lived in Infamy

December 7, 1941

Of course it was the day that the Empire of Japan attacked the United States. Today, December 7, 2008 is the 67th anniversary of that day of infamy. And there is much that has happened since that day. On that day the Japanese attacked the U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor. In all, 15 ships were damaged or sunk, 188 aircraft were destroyed and nearly 2,500 military personnel were killed. The attack was intended to cripple our Pacific Fleet and caused the United States to become an active participatant in World War II.

On the Tuesday morning of September 11, 2001 Ninetineen men boarded four separate airplanes in the United States bound for parts of the nation. Just after take off, they left their seats and took control of the planes by force and changed the destination of the planes. Amist confusion and panic, the planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. Nearly 3,000 Americans were killed in what is now the largest attack on American soil.

In 1941, nearly 3,000 Americans were killed, in a single attack, in our homeland. Nearly 60 years later, nearly 3,000 more Americans were killed, in a single attack, in our homeland. Almost without question or pause, comparisons of the two have come. Both were unsolicitated. Both sparked our nation's involvement in war. Both preceded unprecedented waves of patriotism. Both were days this nation will never forget.

Or be allowed to forget.

The thing is, these days those days are now used to symbolize those attacks. They are used to capture a feeling, a emotion and to bottle to transfer it to be used as a weapon of influence. There are forces today that will use a rallying cry of 'Nine-Eleven' as a blunt-force object weilded against those they want to demonize. The claim is made that those opposing these certain forces have not internalize the losses on these unfortunate days.

What is now unfortunate is that days like December 7th no longer has the same meaning it prior to September 11th 2001. Its meaning has been forever re-arranged. What was actually felt by our entire nation then through the afternoon and evening of September 11th 2001 has been usurped and hi-jacked much like the planes on that day were. It's unfortunate that it is no longer something to be proud of, but to be weary of.

It was a day that lived in infamy.


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